What this pandemic has taught me about myself
This pandemic has certainly brought ALL of my stuff to the surface. All the things I need to let go of and release. All the limiting thoughts I have had about my business, my parenting skills, my relationship. It’s brought out the good, the bad, and the ugly!
On today’s show, I am sharing some things this pandemic has taught me about myself.
Takeaways from the episode
Connection is key for me. As an extrovert, I need human interaction.
Meditation is essential - even for someone who is constantly on the go.
Serving clients during this time has shown me that coaching truly is my calling. I’m more fired up than ever before to help people.
24/7 news is unnecessary and harmful. Limit the amount of time you spend on Twitter and watching the news. Check in once a day and then turn it off.
You can’t be anxious and grateful at the same time. Make a daily gratitude list and start small (your hands,electricity, you heart, etc).
You’re basically a plant. You need water and sunlight every day. Spend 10 minutes sitting by a window or going outside. Drink more water than you think you need.
White-knuckling is not a great long-term strategy,
You have everything you need to weather this storm.
This week’s action step
Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Ask yourself “What do I need right now?” Get quiet and let the answer come to you. Write it out.
How can you give yourself more of that today?
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