Why This Show? Why Now?
Welcome to the very first episode of “Do the Damn Thing!”
Starting this podcast has been on my mind for a while and I am so excited that it’s happening.
So…who am I? For those that don’t know, my name is Liz Heron and I am an enthusiasm junkie, which means I love talking to people about the things that they love and the things that light them up and excite them. On this show, I am going to be talking to people who are doing the damn thing.I am also a single mom to an amazing tween boy and I worship at the Church of Beyonce. I'm also a doughnut connoisseur, which is just a fancy way to say that I will never say no to a doughnut. But most importantly, I am your personal cheerleader. I believe that we all have the ability to accomplish great things and that we can do anything we set our minds to. That’s a REALLY big part of this show. I want this show to be your personal cheerleading space – rah-rahing you on to greatness!
What’s the show about?
My goal is to make this a place that inspires you motivates you and educates you to do whatever your damn thing is. Maybe it's asking for a raise at work or having the sex talk with your kid or finally starting your passion project. Maybe it's getting in shape or starting your own business or maybe it’s something small like writing your own will.We all have something (or if you're like me you've got a running list of five to 10 things!) that you want to do, or you feel called to do, or even that you know that you should do. But you are putting them off and not doing them.On this show, I want to dig into why we’re not doing them and then how to get about to do them right. I know for me, I get held up on the HOWS. How am I going to do that? How do you break down of those little details and really big demands?That’s why I started the show! I believe that we all have greatness inside of us and that sometimes we just need to get out of our own way!
How it all came about
A couple of years ago, I co-hosted a podcast and I really missed it! I wanted to get back to it and wanted to get back into the medium, but I really wasn't sure what I wanted to talk about. Until one night on a walk with my son.We were talking about some school projects and the evils of procrastination and how it's just always better to you know start the project and do the damn thing rather than drag your feet. And DING! A light bulb went off and I thought “Oh my god! That’s it!”“Do the Damn Thing!” is something that I say to myself when I don't want to go to the gym in the morning or don't want to do the dishes before I go to bed or I don't want to have that really hard conversation with a friend or when I get scared to do something big – like start this podcast!Believe me, we all have those feelings…when those fear monsters and gremlins creep in. It really did take me saying “Liz, do the damn thing!” for me to do THIS damn thing.My hope is that this show inspires you. Too often, we get in our own way and we overthink things and worry and stay stuck. I want to break through that and help get us out of our own way! The best things in life are on the other side of fear.Now, that’s not to say I don't get stuck on the side of fear or let it stop me. I absolutely do - you are not alone in that! In the introductory episode, I talk about the four different fears that keep you from taking action in your life. I talk about the fears I faced in creating this podcast so that you know that you're not alone in these things. Everyone goes through them. Even people who are doing the damn thing!
This show is for YOU.
I really want this show to serve you and to help you go after your desires and your dreams and, let’s just go full Oprah – I want you to live your best life. Whether it’s learning how to meditate, asking for a raise at work or having the sex talk with your kid, taking action in one area of your life will lead to bigger and better things in other parts of your life.I want this podcast to help you and inspire you and give you real life tips on how to go about doing that. I'm SO excited that we're doing this together.I really look forward to going on this journey with you. I truly believe you have something really special to offer the world and I'm really excited that you're coming along for the ride.
What’s your damn thing?
I would love to hear from you. What is your damn thing? What’s something you have been struggling with or burning to do?
Join our Facebook group and tell me all about it!Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes so you don’t miss an episode!