A Well-Juggled Life

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In this episode, I will be talking about how to live a well-juggled life. I hope you will have several lessons to take away from this episode.

A well-juggled life is about setting those boundaries, deciding which balls are the most important to you, and looking at your priorities and values. Also, it is about determining which balls are the breakable balls; those are the ones that we're not going to let fall because if they do, they're going to break. Some balls are made of rubber, while others are made of glass.

A well-juggled life is knowing which balls are the most precious and most valuable to us and then doing what we can to make sure that those stay front and center.

Is your life well juggled? If the answer is no, this episode is for you. Listen in.

Key Talking Points of the episode:

[00:32] What does a well-juggled life look like?

[03:04] The four things that you should always have on your calendar

[05:21] How to achieve a well-juggled life

Magical Quotes from the Episode:

"The only person who's telling you what you're supposed to be doing is you that's the only voice that you need to listen to."

"You're a human. There's only so much you can take on. You don't have to take on everything."

"A well juggle life starts with your expectations of yourself and other people."

"A well juggled life is one where we don't feel overwhelmed."

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